Testalonga Wines
Testalonga belongs to Craig & Carla Hawkins. The vineyard was established in Swartland, South Africa in 2008 with the first wine being a four weeks Skin Macerated Chenin blanc.
" Testalonga was the nickname of an old Italian guy who made his white wines like red wines. Craig asked him via a friend whether he could use the name for his labels, he laughed and gave his assent. Testalonga is also the name of a bandit from Sicily. Craig has never been part of the mainstream wine world, even in Swartland, but that is because he is not trying to be someone else. His independent and uncompromising approach has not always endeared him to South African authorities. Hence the name Testalonga El Bandito. "
"We strive to make wine from grapes and nothing else." - Carla and Craig Hawkins